Financial Modeling
Financial modeling involves the use of spreadsheets to summarize a company’s expenses and income in order to comprehend the impact of future projects and decisions that may affect the company’s stock performance. It can be used to evaluate external economic policies, business strategies, regulations, investments and other scenarios to calculate costs of new initiatives, develop financial plans, and allocate corporate resources.
Someone who wants to establish a career in core finance and is interested in working in areas such as Investment Banking, Equity Research, Credit Ratings, Project Finance, Corporate Finance, Fund Accounting, Financial consulting and Outsourcing should focus on developing financial modeling skills.
Check Out Our Training Offering!
- Finoptions culture put importance on validating knowledge before accepting. Emphasizing is on “The Why as well as The How.”
- Focus on Industry Insight & Developing Corporate Floor Culture
- Over 3000 Alumina are connected in the core finance industry.
- Training is provided for candidates in both online/virtual and offline/classroom formats.
- Excel classes are available for beginners to advanced users.
- Multiple Assignment with Real Life Case Study Approach.
- Special sessions are conducted by industry experts ensuring that the focus remains on maximizing learning outcome.
- Certification for Investment Banking, Advance Excel & Financial Modeling.
- Placement Assistance.
Financial Modeling assists companies in determining the value of the target company for merger or acquisition through revenue forecasting, debt scheduling, and competitor analysis.
Financial Modeling allows analysts to assess an organization's financial projections, competitor's projections, and other factors to determine if it is a wise or risky investment.
Financial Modeling is useful for Investment Bankers to value a company through revenue forecasting. They recommend the buyer or seller on the acquisition of new funds or investments in new funds, based on valuation.
Financial Modeling is a tool that enables Credit Analysts to gather past data and outstanding debts, as well as predict future growth using an excel sheet. This helps them assess the level of risk involved and assign a rating accordingly.
Financial Modeling is beneficial in evaluating the financial feasibility of a project and devising a funding strategy that consists of both debt and equity elements.
Learning Focus
What Financial Modeling Covers ?
Step - I
Business Understanding
Understanding of Financial Statement
Techniques for Analyzing Financial Statements
Step - II
TVM & Capital Budgeting
Determining Cost of Capital
Forecasting & Financial Planning
Step - III
Analysis of Risk
Business Valuation
Preparation and Presentation of financial Reports
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